
The Church cannot afford a liberal theology ~ Pastor Poju

The Church cannot afford a liberal theology ~ Pastor Poju

The Church cannot afford a liberal theology that is not founded on the written word of God. If that is allowed, we may increase our popularity but at the expense of real spiritual power. In obeying God, we will have to contend with a dual opinion report about us. Some will say good others bad. That is the reality of…

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Of matters of Politics and Matters that are eternal ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Of matters of Politics and Matters that are eternal ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

I do not think anyone will have a problem with one’s pastor preferring a political candidate over another. Everyone will have their preferences and could sincerely believe one person will be better than the other. The problem starts when you start to spiritualize your preference. When one starts to equate the kingdoms of this world with the kingdom of God,…

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It’s time re-read the scriptures without any filters ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

It’s time re-read the scriptures without any filters ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

It’s time re-read the scriptures without any filters, void of paradigms that may be biased. The things you have to resolve, occur when you find certain scriptures that you have willfully ignored in the past because they seem to contradict the belief system you have embraced. You cannot fully gain from the word and grow spiritually if you come to…

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The two forces hidden in the souls of men responsible for many visible things (Part 1)

The two forces hidden in the souls of men responsible for many visible things (Part 1)

The two forces hidden in the souls of men responsible for many visible things. (Part 1) Psychologists have said that a man will admit publicly to adultery and fornication rather than publicly say his actions were motivated by strife and out of envy. For this reason these two vices are very well concealed in the hearts of people and when…

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