If as Pastors we do not teach our people to ask honest questions when they have a problem with our teachings and about their faith, if we teach them to embrace the attitude of “my pastor said it, I believe it and that settles it” even though they have unanswered questions in their hearts. If we deny them the opportunity to be intellectually honest with us when they do have questions about the teachings then we are silencing something in them and we should be ready for the new challenge.
We would have “created” a people in whom critical thinking has been destroyed and when “error” comes in and they are easily taken by it, we should have no one else to blame other than ourselves for we would have created people driven by emotions rather than quiet discernment. People have to be taught to examine things and shown how to do it. Bible says “prove all things”, “All” means everything.
The world is now entering a time where perception is the new reality creating room for false doctrines and fake news to thrive. The force of your personality nor the charisma of any leader cannot stop a well-crafted wave of doctrinal error only a well-taught people who understand how the unction of God tests all things will stand the tide against “herd mentality” that erodes individual thought and conviction.
Without us beginning to teach in ways that develop critical thinking, pastors may in the future lose their ministries and large groups of members in a single wave of wrong doctrine or even fake news.