Of matters of Politics and Matters that are eternal ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Of matters of Politics and Matters that are eternal ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Of matters of Politics and Matters that are eternal ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

I do not think anyone will have a problem with one’s pastor preferring a political candidate over another. Everyone will have their preferences and could sincerely believe one person will be better than the other. The problem starts when you start to spiritualize your preference.

When one starts to equate the kingdoms of this world with the kingdom of God, equating matters of politics with matters that are eternal, with the salvation of the soul and then demonizing another’s personal political preference which leads to division in the Body of Christ then a real issue develops.

satan has succeeded by creating deep divisions within the Body. Everyone is entitled to support who they believe will serve certain interests but let’s not turn political issues into kingdom matters. Christ didn’t engage with political preferences when he came to save humanity neither did any of the apostles in their epistles indicate such.

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