If we were interested in transforming lives, in truly bridging the gap between what is read in the scriptures and what is seen in the lives of the people in making the people be living epistles of Christ to be read and known by all men and not just in indoctrinating people for follower-ship we will have very little arguments…
Feeling entitled or being grateful, you cannot have both choose one. Jesus taught we should not cast our pearls before the swine reason being the swine will act with no sense of gratitude rather will trample upon them and rend you. They end up attacking their very helpers, those sent by God to help them. Jesus taught men to stop…
It will do well for us to understand this lest leaders be it spiritual or political find ourselves preaching to the “choir” What makes us all make decisions are sometimes unknown to us who make them. Consciously we may say something but find ourselves when face to face with the issue decide otherwise. The triggers that cause people to choose…
Two things that must be in place not to be seduced from the path God wants you to walk in. We live in a day where people through social media are now exposed to all types of doctrines with everyone affirming that this is the truth. We must know how to discern voices. The first is to rely on the…
The early Church understood clearly the importance of having a strong work ethic among its members. She strongly frowned upon the practice of “free-loading” in her midst. No one was permitted to be a free loader. One of the reasons for a strong emphasis on good work ethics was simply because the practice of hospitality which is a cardinal Christian…
To be able to change any condition in your life, you must master the art of bringing every thought in you into obedience to the word of Christ concerning the issue. Every thought entertained in your heart must be consistent with the vision of God concerning the issue. There can only be a readiness to revenge(subdue, change) every outward disobedience…