Crying is easy, it is change that is needed. The real difficulty that confronts the human nature is change. The pride of life is an unwillingness to change and this hardness of the heart is probably what is most responsible for the stagnation people experience. Esau was willing to cry but to change i.e repent was his big challenge. He…
The myth that if we preach the truth crowds will thin out. I heard an Evangelical pastor say these truthful words, “satan can only get you into bondage by first of all making you believe a lie”. When we accept erroneous thoughts spoken in all sincerity and boldly presented as the truth and we embrace them, they become the biggest…
Serving God is a basic human need. When we speak about human needs many think it’s restricted to material things. At the heart of man’s need is a desire for satisfaction. He eats to be satisfied, he dresses up and when he or she is satisfied they are happy going out. Needs are cravings longing to be satisfied. Since God…
The myth about Quality or Quantity. A myth can be defined as a widely held but false idea which most of the time was developed to explain away certain things without doing honest intellectual work. There is this concept in ministry which prevails giving the impression that large ministries or Churches that have a bias to growth have compromised the…
No matter how intelligent and knowledgeable you are, when venturing into a new field, enter like Solomon did as a little child saying “I know not how to go out nor to come in” Don’t ever think you are superior to those playing in that field because of the expertise you acquired in yours. It’s new territory, this is important…
The crown that blind the ears and the eyes. Pride, the sense of superiority always precedes a fall. If you ever find yourself “falling” search your heart to find and remove the thought that you are above others. Be compassionate to weaker ones and don’t boast of your superiority. The Jews say if you want a man to become a…