Separate yourself mentally ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Separate yourself mentally ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Separate yourself mentally ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

To get delivered from something you first have to separate yourself mentally from it. That you are in a situation does not make you a victim, that you have a bad habit does not mean that is who you are.

You may do what they say you are doing but that does not mean you are who they say you are. What you may be currently experiencing or doing is different from your identity.  You have to with your words consistently with persistence identify who you are as separate from your apparent reality. This identity must be founded on the truth and not a creation of your imagination.

Every time the thought of your situation or condition arises, replace that thought with the image of the truth by using words that describe your identity or future.  Persist in the practice of this and your “reality” will change.

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