
Relating with those in authority can be very “tricky.”

Relating with those in authority can be very “tricky.”

Relating with those in authority can be very “tricky.” Some have found themselves in abusive relationships with those in authority over them where they feel undermined and lose their sense of self-worth. In other cases, people have been outrightly rebellious and divisive in their relationship. I will focus in this article on spiritual authority only I.e the pastoral office. What…

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God is always raising new voices in every generation but not at the expense of anyone.

God is always raising new voices in every generation but not at the expense of anyone.

To young ministers out there, shy away from and avoid the sound which says “God is doing away with older ministers and will replace them with you the younger”. Historically speaking, such voices have always ended up being clouds without water. Yes, God is always raising new voices in every generation but not at the expense of anyone. There is…

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Don’t let anyone push you out of the repeated practise of the basics

Don’t let anyone push you out of the repeated practise of the basics

Everything that produces results does so by repetition i.e. the continuous and repeated practise of the same thing over a period of time. Some great athlete who was the best at the time was once asked why he stuck to the basics in practice. His reply “why do you think am the best player in the world? because I never…

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