
Poju’s blog

Leading a “small church” during these times. ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Leading a “small church” during these times. ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

The shutdown they say is a great economic risk to small businesses but it could also have a devastating effect on small churches if the leadership doesn’t respond accordingly. If you are pastoring a small church, you may be facing a set of challenges no one has ever faced in ministry. You were trying to grow a congregation, building people…

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Let’s protect the honor and the Institution of the Church by doing the right thing. ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Let’s protect the honor and the Institution of the Church by doing the right thing. ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

God designed us to protect the honor of his Church through a principle known as self-judgment, this way we always stay far ahead of the curve when it comes to interaction with the State and thereby separate ourselves from intrusion. This principle is outlined in 1 Corinthians 11:31-3231 For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.32 But…

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Why we need spiritual fathers and not just instructors. ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Why we need spiritual fathers and not just instructors. ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Why we need spiritual fathers and not just instructors. It is relational and not political. Speaking about having spiritual fathers has almost become a fad these days with many of us thinking only about the profitability of the association. Access to platforms etc. Scripturally speaking the covering of a spiritual or even earthly father is in the correction they give.…

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Prejudice closes the mind ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Prejudice closes the mind ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Prejudice is an attitude that greatly stifles the learning process. It is defined as a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Prejudice closes the mind to a certain type of knowledge but and will refuse to even examine the submission of the other that doesn’t re-enforce its preconceived notion. There can be no growth if…

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Understanding the two sides of Life ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Understanding the two sides of Life ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

There are two sides to life, the spiritual and the structural. The spiritual deals with the release of power for you to advance while the structural deals with practical steps in fulfilling the advantage secured by the release of power. Live a balanced life by understanding both. The first which is the spiritual can be likened to using your air…

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