Author page: Poju Oyemade

Teach Identification truths that deal with spiritual growth ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Teach Identification truths that deal with spiritual growth ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

The reason why the message on grace can come across as being a license to sin is that such teachers emphasize only the substitutionary truths about Christ’s work. These are spiritual birth truths. They fail to teach Identification truths that deal with spiritual growth. Emphasizing only truths about justification by the blood leaves one with the mindset that says everything…

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Don’t ever participate in belittling yourself to make others feel comfortable with you. ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Don’t ever participate in belittling yourself to make others feel comfortable with you. ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Don’t ever participate in belittling yourself to make others feel comfortable with you. It’s better to stand strong and suffer rejection. It is a terrible thing to under-rate oneself. It opens one up for exploitation. It gets to a point where others see in you what you don’t see in yourself. Never live under the threat of someone exiting your…

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