Why doctrinal errors easily thrive ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Why doctrinal errors easily thrive ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Why doctrinal errors easily thrive ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

Why doctrinal errors easily thrive, people believe conspiracy theories and fake news work.

Once people do not have a culture that encourages deep thinking, search for the truth and weighing their scriptural expectations against real time experiences with the mindset of closing the gap, they will fall prey to error.

Dr. Daniel Gilbert a renowned psychologist proposed a theory over two decades ago about how lies impact the human brain. Gilbert argued that we initially hold a lie to be true because we first have to accept something to be able to understand or evaluate it.

Gilbert argues that after initially accepting a lie as true we must then do the hard work of assessing its validity. Given the limitations of time, energy, or conclusive evidence, many of us fail to “unaccept” some of the lies we are told. Consequently, we sometimes continue to believe something as true even though there is ample evidence to disprove it.

This is why fake news and propaganda work. People just will not do the mental work to evaluate every thought they have accepted. This is how false doctrines thrive and multitudes can become victims of deception.

If you will live a full and healthy life, you must take up the task of verifying things you accepted as true particularly if the expectations it has created in you don’t match with the realities it is delivering in your daily life.

You must be bold and courageous enough to use truth to remove the veil. Truth is not personality-driven and to verify ideas and thought by personal study doesn’t mean disrespect.

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