The servant who became the prince. 1. When the Scriptures says, I have seen an error that proceeds from the ruler, servants riding upon horses and princes walking as servants. This is the law of exchange. The prince walking actually owns the horse the servant is riding upon. Wrong people accessing powerful places 2. The way this happens is through…
1. One of the worst things in leadership is to create an echo chamber around you where only those who agree with your point of view are allowed into your inner circle. Those with honest but different ideas are punished with exclusion. Every other person suppresses their convictions. 2. However what causes this may not be as straightforward as many…
In the final analysis, no matter what we do, our success will be dependent on how we treat people. When I say success, I don’t just mean material wealth, yes our personal advancement is included but the weightier matters are whether we have true joy, inner peace, and have found our purpose in life. Those who are vindictive, who seek…
A major sign of maturity is the ability to remain objective when in a debate with someone whose ideology or actions you may vehemently oppose. Getting overtly emotional and stepping into hatred where you are incapable of seeing anything good in the other borders on demonic space.
True dreams never die what they receive is corrective feedback which many erroneously term failure and then they abort the pursuit. What hurts you instructs you. Learn to bend and not break. Key to success is learning the lessons of the journey. Set aside your predetermined path for the true sign posts.
Dreams are never destroyed they can only be cut down. Their roots always remain intact beneath the surface not visible. Never give up but openly and boldly hold fast to your declarations, then seek wisdom. Success will come when you admit to the areas of your weaknesses and work on changing them to your new points of strength.