Hold on to your faith. Every faith project has a course. It will be assaulted and then distraction will be deployed to get your eyes off the goal. Stay fixed, beholding the end results. It will happen when you weren’t even thinking about it. It works silently but powerfully. Fight the good fight of faith. ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade
With @olawaleayilara this morning.
Intangible capital – The importance of being trustworthy. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Pastor Poju Oyemade (@pastorpoju)
One of the most powerful songs heard in recent times. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Pastor Poju Oyemade (@pastorpoju) @brandonlake ?? Song title: Too Good To Not Believe.
#TellMein60secs – The process of the word of God on your lips. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Pastor Poju Oyemade (@pastorpoju)
Paul said as a wise master builder I planted, Apollos watered and God gave the increase. Some ministers are not wise. They invite into their meetings those who don’t belong to their own stream. These ministers end up uprooting what they spent years planting instead of watering the already seeds sown. They become radicals on the pulpits of their host,…