Builders, stay alert.

Builders, stay alert.

Builders, stay alert.

I heard a successful entrepreneur once say, always know while you are working on an idea to make a huge success out of it there are 2 or 3 people thinking how they will hijack that thing once it becomes successful. This man had “birthed” 2 powerful ideas which were later stripped from him.

This reminded me of a scripture in the book of Revelation where the dragon waited for the woman to birth the child and came to devour the child as soon as he was born. There are scavengers all around who lack the creative spirit only waiting to hijack what others have birthed.

They deploy tactics of false accusations using manipulative methods to control what others have. They deploy covet means of infiltration posing as friends but really working as spies to build allies within your network, to find areas of weakness and your mode of operation waiting for their moment to strike. Builders, stay alert.

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