Why it is dangerous as a Church leader to depend wrongly upon polling. Polling is good because it gives you information. Anything that increases one’s knowledge about what really is going on is invaluable. To however use the data as a way to make decisions that are now driven by the manifest desire of the people is to lose the…
Leadership: The hawks or the doves who wins? There is a basic principle in leadership, there are people who surround a leader who have his ears. They make suggestions that have a greater impact on his or her mind in shaping decisions. These are people who historically are referred to as those that dwell in the “kings court.” Bible says…
When your spirit who is the real you and one with Christ completely controls every expression in your soul, where the soul is no longer governed by the ever changing events and opinions of men on the outside, you have discovered how to win in life. With an open face you behold as looking into a mirror your future within…
Loyalty doesn’t mean you nod at the decision of a leader even when you know from your personal exposure or expertise that this opinion may be wrong. To be loyal you must know you are planted by God to give the leader the full view and wealth of your expertise. After you have contributed your thoughts clearly explaining your position…
Don’t get distracted by the chatter, focus on the opportunities God has prepared for you. It was my friend Pastor How in Singapore who penned these words, “Most of your 2020 events may be canceled but most of your 2020 goals should remain on track. So don’t be distracted by the disruption…….” He further said “I am not into politics…
I love a line in the movie the godfather when Hyman Roth told Michael Corleone “I said to myself this is the business we have chosen”. It was in reference to the attitude to have when handling a crisis situation. Never complain even if you experience the wrong end of the stick. This is the life we have chosen, one…