Charles Finney regarded as the world’s most successful revivalist in terms of impact and depth of conversion during his meetings. He had this to say which I believe today, is still relevant and useful to young ministers. In his conversations with those who opposed his style of preaching, he alluded to the words of a Justice of the Supreme Court.…
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Opportunities in life don’t present themselves on your own terms with respect to your personal convenience. They emerge according to the dictates of the times and you will have to make radical adjustments to be able to benefit from them. He that regardeth the clouds will not reap.
Here, @IngrahamAngle of @FoxNews a proven conservative with credentials to show says something really powerful. That someone presents the facts as they are and lives in the reality of the world as it is doesn’t mean you are betraying the aspirations of those who seek a change. It is to avoid the bitter disappointment that comes from allowing only those…
1. One of the worst things in leadership is to create an echo chamber around you where only those who agree with your point of view are allowed into your inner circle. Those with honest but different ideas are punished with exclusion. Every other person suppresses their convictions. 2. However what causes this may not be as straightforward as many…
People get disappointed because they confuse the ability to criticize with competency. ~ Pastor Poju
People get disappointed because they confuse the ability to criticize with competency. That I can rightly criticize a player doesn’t mean I am capable of playing better. My criticism may help the player perfect areas of his weakness but it does not show I possess what the player lacks.