Truth can get very uncomfortable. If you haven’t heard anything in a while that challenged you, that went straight into your heart causing you to wrestle with the interpretation you think you may wrongly be given to it in a bid to absolve yourself of the change that it demands of you, You may not have heard the truth in…
Prayer doesn’t change God but it can and should change you. Allow the true intent of prayer to be realized in you. We want better results, God says that will happen by producing a better you. Nothing can resist the power of applied knowledge which is acquired in answer to prayer.
The future will be for those who seek to unite and not divide. Those who are authentic and understand this goes beyond appearances and perception of core values. Leadership is not about make-believe and being successful at deception. It’s about authenticity and clarity of thought.
Once you understand why you were given the promotion or the new position you were given it will bring you into a place of rest. It isn’t because you are “complete” but the potential for growth was spotted in you. You don’t know everything but you have shown you can grow into it. Greater responsibility is not to be celebrated…
Why doctrinal errors easily thrive, people believe conspiracy theories and fake news work. Once people do not have a culture that encourages deep thinking, search for the truth and weighing their scriptural expectations against real time experiences with the mindset of closing the gap, they will fall prey to error. Dr. Daniel Gilbert a renowned psychologist proposed a theory over…