Don’t ever pacify a bully. Don’t ever seek a compromise with an aggressor who openly speaks against you. If God is your source, he will settle the issue. Enter into his courts and be planted there in continuous praise. Ask him for his word of judgment on the issue and then you pronounce it.
A medical doctor once told me that a man’s physical balance is determined majorly by three organs. The brain, heart, and the inner ear. He further explained that your outer ear is responsible for hearing sound but the inner ear for balance. The only time you hear with your inner ear is when you speak. When others speak you hear…
Those who win, get the big picture early and play the long game. Early euphoria is no sign of lasting success. They that will obtain the precious fruit of the earth Apostle James said, must have long patience for it. The invisible principles which govern life are deep and act in silence. Pastor Poju Oyemade
If you are properly rooted in God, the presence of another ministry in the same vicinity will not affect your growth in any way. Have you seen a plant diminish because another was planted next to it? The forest is filled with trees. If you actually understand this it will help you. God has designed it this way. Greater impact…
Meet my 87year old mum, Prof Mrs Oyemade still staying fashionable.
One of the worst things that can happen to the soul of a person is for that individual to be abused and then the abuser cunningly plays the victim card when confronted. This results in the abused feeling guilty and comes around to apologize for the harm they caused by crying out in pain.