Before you “copy” what another is doing because he is successful, remember what produces momentum and success is rarely visible to the eyes. These things are done in secret. Don’t wear another man’s garments, success is deeper than appearances go back to your sling and stones.
There are things you get because of your anointing. There are things that come to you because of your association with certain people. There are however certain special things that you access because you hang around the throne room of God in worship. There is a unique sound there.
If people get scared of saying the right things simply because they are unpopular then society will be lost. Every generation is saved by the bold individuals among them who will not bow to the mob.
To understand God’s unchanging love towards you, you must understand He acts based on his nature and not the quality of the object. If he fails to love you because of your behavior, then you have successfully “tempted” him to act contrary to his nature and violate his will. This will amount to God falling into a satanic trap. God…
To get yourself out of a difficulty or to do the “unreachable” start out by asking God for his mercy. The mercy of God upon a life is the game changer for its not of him that runneth nor willeth. Ask for his forgiveness and cleansing from secret faults and errors you may not yet understand then ask him to…
What defeats Christians is a dual confession. They say one thing during prayer meetings and then when in casual conversations they contradict all they intentionally said at Church. This is where the power leaks. You don’t get what you desire but what you are aligned ? to.