
Poju’s blog

If you get emotional, you lose his backing

If you get emotional, you lose his backing

In ministry, if you get emotional about the assignment given to you by God, you lose his backing. Jesus made this clear using phrases like “leave the dead to bury their dead”. You cannot start evaluating how people will feel about your assignment and you surrender it on the altar of emotions. To follow Jesus takes focus and the practice…

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It is a season of disruption.

It is a season of disruption.

It is a season of disruption. The new tools create new opportunities and a platform to see farther. The old ways of doing things getting obsolete. Threats and intimidation can’t stop the dreamer from fulfilling his dreams. You will have to eat the humble pie if you stand in the way. ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade

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What causes stagnancy?

What causes stagnancy?

What causes stagnancy? a. You identify more with your present condition and circumstantial evidence rather than your vision and position in Christ. b. You are refusing to give up something(s) you no longer need and fighting embracing something(s) you need but feel(s) different. These things you are clutching to may be mindsets, attitudes, belief systems, or even people. Your refusal…

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If He asks you to do a thing, do it

If He asks you to do a thing, do it

In God’s kingdom, if he asks you to do a thing no matter who opposes it; it remains the right thing to do and must be done. On the other hand, If you do what he didn’t ask you to, it remains wrong even if everybody loves the idea and supports it. This is where and when you decide who…

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