Author page: Poju Oyemade

Relating with those in authority can be very “tricky.”

Relating with those in authority can be very “tricky.”

Relating with those in authority can be very “tricky.” Some have found themselves in abusive relationships with those in authority over them where they feel undermined and lose their sense of self-worth. In other cases, people have been outrightly rebellious and divisive in their relationship. I will focus in this article on spiritual authority only I.e the pastoral office. What…

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A broken relationship with someone who was once a major blessing to you is always a red flag

A broken relationship with someone who was once a major blessing to you is always a red flag

A friend of mine asked me a question during my 50th birthday party. She said every facet of your life is represented here. Those who knew you in kindergarten, primary school friends, Secondary school friends, University days when you were in the world and then the Christian friends, ministers of the gospel, etc. How did you do it she asked?…

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