#Throwback 1990. I am in the cream-colored suit. Sitting to my right is Tomiwa Odumosu. To my left are Rita Atake, Bolaji Anibaba( RIP) Femi Ayankogbe and Mbim Okutinyang

#Throwback 1990. I am in the cream-colored suit. Sitting to my right is Tomiwa Odumosu. To my left are Rita Atake, Bolaji Anibaba( RIP) Femi Ayankogbe and Mbim Okutinyang
Many people tell me I work too hard. I usually reply by saying what is the exact measure of work you use to determine a person who is over-reaching. Let’s then look at those whose work rate is lower than the threshold you have set and see how productive they are. Bishop David Abioye captures it best here. The truth…
One of the most liberating things in ministry is to know you are only sent to a certain section of the populace. You are not called to everyone so stop trying to win everyone over. Even Jesus prayed saying to God: “I pray not for the world but for those you gave me…” John 17:9 Focus on those he has…
What some seek is not really ministry but power and influence within a congregation. To carry the aura that we are the “movers” who make things happen. They desire to stand before the congregation and have eyeballs on them. They are concerned only with people’s impression of them. It is all about getting to indoctrinate others with their own ideas…
Hold on to your faith. Every faith project has a course. It will be assaulted and then distraction will be deployed to get your eyes off the goal. Stay fixed, beholding the end results. It will happen when you weren’t even thinking about it. It works silently but powerfully. Fight the good fight of faith. ~ Pastor Poju Oyemade
With @olawaleayilara this morning.